坊間流傳不少應考DSE貼士,作為一個精明的考生,當然要「Fact Check」。今日(11月5日)出版的2024年DSE甲類科目《試題專輯》(即Past Paper)正是官方參考資料,當中除輯錄各科的試題與評卷參考外,更有由試卷主席撰寫的評語,解釋評核準則、作答注意事項和分析考生表現,並提出改善作答表現的建議。
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卷一(閱讀): 考生亦不宜倉促下筆,堆砌作答,應留意題目分數和題目的要求,如就某段落內容作說明,或綜合全文作答等。如第15及20題,兩題皆為4分題,要求考生就題目的要求析論說明,因此答案須緊扣題目,有理有據,而非大量抄錄文章內容。 |
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卷二(寫作): 循序漸進的寫作訓練也是提升寫作能力的不二法門。過去不少考生只盲目地操練歷屆舊題,沒有為寫作活動設定訓練目標,結果勞而少功,甚至徒勞無功。其實,寫作練習應有的放矢,配合閱讀篇章,我們可根據其主題立意、表達手法,或布局謀篇等方面的特色進行仿作。除了一般的命題作文外,我們也可為自己安排其他較具彈性的練筆活動,例如簡短的新聞評論,指定的人物特徵刻畫,某事件的情節擴展,又或切換另一角度進行改寫等等。在完成寫作後,我們也不能忽略謄改的環節,尤其要根據訓練目標來補漏或增潤文章。 |
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Paper 1 (Reading): Candidates also need to recognise when a question calls for a more specific response and avoid copying excessively (e.g. Q.22 and Q.51). Additionally, candidates need to be aware that they may need to manipulate language lifted from the text such as amending pronouns (e.g. Q.33 and Q.45(ii)). Candidates are also reminded to pay attention to the grammatical features of the sentence stem such as plurality in sentence-completion items and in gap-fill texts. |
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Paper 2 (Writing): Weaker candidates are best advised to spend sufficient time on the generation of ideas and of appraising which of these ideas are most relevant to the task requirements. While complexity of syntax and lexis is an important criterion in judging the piece of writing, the fundamental consideration should always be to express the ideas clearly and accurately. Too often, examiners see candidates’ scripts which have been over-ambitious in the language used thus making it difficult for the reader to follow. Candidates with stronger writing proficiency should first and foremost focus on achieving the purpose of the task effectively. They should beware of the temptation to write overly-long texts or to decorate their writing with low frequency vocabulary in an attempt to impress the examiner to the detriment of the overall clarity, structure and organisation of the piece. |
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Paper 3 (Listening and Integrated Skills): It is critical that candidates remember the information extracted from the Data File sources may have been written for a variety of different purposes, and therefore should not be simply copied verbatim when they complete tasks which serve another purpose. Rather, they must discerningly identify the relevant ideas and manipulate the language of the Data File source into a format and tone appropriate to the task they are writing. |
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Paper 4 (Speaking): Candidates are encouraged to use and practise their English Language skills in different low-stakes environments (e.g. by volunteering to present at school assemblies in English; organising and taking part in English talent shows; and conducting news broadcasts in English during recess). |