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No offence intended. But well, while I am not a candidate for this year's DSE, I must confess that I see no sense in your request to cancel the exam, if you believe attending an exam is detrimental to the health of your child, you can very well just don't, and enter for next year's. Why would you request the cancellation of the examination, as if you represented the situations of all other candidates in Hong Kong?
The administration of public examinations in Hong Kong is so different with other countries, in England for example, predicted grades (that are actually accurate, unlike the mock grades in HK) have already been produced and submitted to universities for admission, unis have all issued conditional or unconditional offers to students, the cancellation of the A-levels ( its not even called CIE as you mentioned, CIE is an exam board) has only minimal effects on the admission process of universities. However, cancelling the DSE in Hong Kong would mean that there will be no basis for universities to consider admission for this year's UG programmes, in fact, America has NOT cancelled (at least up to today) the Advanced Placement exam generally sat by students aiming for the more prestigious colleges and universities in the states, to make it fairer for students. As for IB, pupils in the IBDP programme are frequently accessed by their teachers in assignments and project/research/activity based learning experiences, their teachers already have a good reference as to what level of attainment the pupils have. These characteristics are all but not present in the case for HK schools, and we are not even talking about the difference in experience of evaluation, professional knowledge and integrity between teachers in other countries (especially the ones that you mentioned) and Hong Kong. Can you seriously compare a teacher who had to earn a special licence from the IBO, or CAIE to teach with just an ordinary teacher in Hong Kong, who very well could have entered their practise because they did not get good grades in their own DSE or AL, and rely on them to issue a grade to your child? I mean, no offence to HK teachers intended, but it's facts.
I really don't understand what is the unfairness that you talked about, in fact, public exams are the fairest tool to access someone's attainment in an academic subject, people in the UK are worried that the cancellation of the A-levels and having their grades reported by their teachers might be inherently disadvantageous to pupils from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, yet you are talking as if the opposite is true.
If your child studied hard, he will achieve good grades no matter what, because the factors and difficulties you mentioned are true for all other candidates as well, no one is in a better-off position than any other.
If you think it is not safe, just don't go, take it next year, a cancellation would only force everyone into this scenario, give others the choice they deserve, it's not our responsibility to decide for them whether they are willing to take the risk. In addition, while you talk about the examinations that have been cancelled internationally, why don't you think about those prospective uni students (particularly HK students that are on a conditional offer to study overseas) that will lose their offers if the DSE is to be cancelled? Because thsoe unis wont take your mock grades. Try to step in other people's shoes, while there are people responsible for the spread of the virus in Hong Kong and around the world, no one wanted this pandemic to happen. It just so happens that I am one of those whose exam got cancelled, luckily I already have an offer, but think about those who don't, they are constantly in a state of worry, an extra emotional burden that they have lost the chance to prove their ability and must be placed at the mercy of the system.
Think also about pupils in band three schools, some of them might have got substandard instructions and assignments, and relied on the DSE to prove their ability beyond the confinements of the school curriculum, what are they to do if the exam got cancelled, they would be outright rejected by any uni, ,local or overseas.
Some of them may be poor and on CSSA, if they can't get into a uni they will be forced to work, and they might never have the chance to attend uni again, because after a year of full time work you won't be able to get the same grades as if you did it now.
Please think about those people before you make this request, you can be killing their future. I also beseech HKEAA to think about these people if they want to make the decision to cancel the DSE, and make sure that these groups will not be left behind by any remedies.
Again, no offence intended. Thank you.
加上英,美 都暫停GCSE, IB 和Cambridge International Exam, 這幾個國際考試今年都取消, 會對香港考生不太過公平.
請考評局考慮下中六家長及學生的意見. 本人想借用一節聖經經文: