- 考生答題技巧固有改善空間,如小心審題,留意題幹的關鍵字詞;閱讀課外篇章時多從文章主旨推敲,作答自能事半功倍;下筆前應預先組織,以免雜亂無章;多思考闡述推論的步驟,不要一步到位。
- 多讀多寫雖為老生常談,卻是至理。考生宜從小學開始培養良好的閱讀習慣,積澱語文知識;平居學習時須多思考,如指定篇章與日常生活之關係,傳統文化對現代社會的啟示等,才能提升閱讀理解的能力。
- 近年社交媒體的流行令我們周遭充斥着圖像和碎片化的文字信息,即時通訊軟件也使我們常常以不完整的句子,甚至以表情符號等取代文字來跟別人溝通……正因如此,我們更應通過閱讀優質的篇章,向作家借鑒遣詞造句,布局謀篇的經驗。
- 可根據自己的興趣和習慣制定個人的閱讀篇目,按月或按季設定目標,定時檢討閱讀計劃的進度。在閱讀時,不妨摘錄作品中的好詞佳句,又或寫下自己的感悟,為自己的閱讀留下足印。
- 過去有不少考生反覆操練舊題,但始終勞而少功,主因在於他們忽略了本卷屬總結性評估,即旨在評核考生在完成整個高中學習階段後的寫作能力。然而,寫作訓練是能力提升的過程,須設定不同的訓練目標逐步完成,方能展現整個學習階段的成果。當完成各項的預定目標後,我們可因應本卷的性質設定寫作時間限制,讓自己累積一些在限時壓力下的寫作經驗。
- 見解是否精闢,論據是否堅實,論證是否嚴密亦屬必然的準則。例如,論證參與「我是運動員」的好處是「能鍛鍊身體」,這固然正確,然而仔細想來,在學校體育課,或在家中、在公園都可鍛鍊身體,那麼,在「我是運動員」訓練計劃中與運動員一起「做運動」,與日常鍛鍊身體有何不同?其不可取代故難能可貴的體驗何在?……如考生能對焦活動特徵,勾勒其特色,自然秀出同儕。
Paper 1 (Reading):
- Candidates should copy words and phrases carefully when answering items requiring a single word or phrase taken straight from the text, and hence avoid spelling mistakes or making any unnecessary amendments to the word or phrase, such as changing between singular and plural or changing the word form. Candidates also need to recognise when a question calls for a longer, more open answer, and avoid copying excessively.
- Candidates are also reminded to pay attention to grammatical prompts at the beginning of sentence-completion questions; plurality; as well as the page layout and spaces provided for their answers.
- Candidates should be mindful when identifying figurative or metaphorical language used in the texts to select more focused chunks of language.
Paper 2 (Writing):
- Candidates can best demonstrate their writing ability by making their writing appropriate to the particular text type they are asked to write. Writing simple sentences accurately might be enough in some tasks but might be too limited for others requiring more linguistic flexibility. It is a good idea for candidates to read different text types and to become familiar with what is appropriate for particular purposes and audiences.
Paper 3 (Listening and Integrated Skills):
- Candidates should spend the preparation time familiarising themselves with the tasks. With the help of the given instructions/headings/prompts/choices, they may be able to predict the likely development of a text. They may also predict the vocabulary they will hear in the recording and make guesses about possible answers. Candidates should read the prompts and stems carefully to predict the required form of the answer, i.e. whether it should be a single noun, noun phrase or a clause or sentence conveying a more complete meaning.
- Candidates should also be prepared to compose answers in their own words rather than relying on repeating the words they hear in the recording as certain items may require them to infer the answers though not explicitly stated in the text.
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- 經學校訂購 (學校考生適用)